Special Support Programs

We offer several Avenues for Support.

We have 3 Options of Support

1. Video Tutorials We have over 400 Video Tutorials availale from our Client Area
From Setting up accounts, Uploading files,Creating e-mail accounts, Creating Data bases, Etc etc etc

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2. Ticket System. For any questions or problems encountered or not covered in our video tutorials
Just contact us with your questions from our Client Area

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3. E-mail Support This should be your last option as will be a last resort to answer any Questions or problems not covered in our Tutorials or by Ticket system guarenteed to be answered within 24hrs.

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Technical support

We have an Award Winning Technical Support Section

We pride ourselves on our Support. Every effort is made to answer all your questions fully and clearly and without delay. We set ourselves apart from most of the big hosting companies with our personal touch.

  • AOver 480 Video Tutorials All In English and easy to understand
  • BTicket System 24hrs a Day 7 days a week 365 days Per year
  • CPersonal E-mail Support to Management replied in 24hrs

Our Support is here for YOU. It is our Mission to make your Online experience Hassle Free.

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